Grammarly – Good Vs Well

While Grammarly is not perfect, it can improve your writing and help you learn a lot of grammar. However, it does have some issues that can be frustrating.

Fortunately, they are not deal-breaking. Here are some of the reasons why you should use Grammarly. It is a proofreading and spelling checker with added perks like vocabulary enhancement and stylistic recommendations.


Grammarly is a great tool to have for anyone who writes. It will catch spelling mistakes and basic grammar errors that most people would miss. It will also help you with the more difficult aspects of writing like avoiding passive voice and making sure that your sentences are concise and clear.

The tool can also identify overused words and suggest synonyms. It will even flag clumsy sentences that are hard to read. This helps both novice and professional writers make their writing more readable.

One thing that sets Grammarly apart from other grammar tools is that it takes into account your goals and audience when checking your writing. This will influence which mistakes it flags and which it ignores. It will also help you decide whether to accept or reject a suggestion.


Grammarly is a writing software program that will check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It will also give you suggestions for word choice and style, much like a human proofreader would. However, what makes Grammarly stand out from other grammar checking programs is that it will explain why a suggestion is correct or incorrect.

It will also provide you with a list of possible corrections for each error it finds. This will help you to learn more about the rules of grammar, so you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

While it may be frustrating for some authors, like genre fiction writers, to listen to Grammarly tell them that their creative prose is wrong or that they don’t use commas correctly, the overall benefits of this software are far greater than the cons.


While it’s true that Grammarly does not catch every mistake (and it can be frustrating to have a comma or a conjunction flagged), it does catch many, and it can help you learn. Each correction is accompanied by an explanation to help you understand what it means and how to correct it.

Grammarly also offers suggestions for better vocabulary and clearer writing. This is where it really stands apart from a simple spelling check like that found in Word and other writing apps.

Another great feature is the ability to set goals for your writing. This allows you to tailor which errors Grammarly will focus on and which it will ignore, helping you improve over time.


Synonyms are words that mean the same thing or are closely related. They come in every part of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

Using synonyms helps to add literary variance to your writing. For example, if you write about a dog, you might use different synonyms like hound, canine, or pooch to make your writing sound more interesting and dynamic.

While some people argue that two words can’t be truly synonymous, there are plenty of examples of synonyms in everyday language. For instance, the word people is used as a synonym for folk, but it’s important to know that they have very slightly different meanings. For this reason, it’s best to avoid using them interchangeably. This will help prevent ambiguity and confusion.


Grammarly isn’t the cheapest option for writers, but it does catch more mistakes than any free grammar and spelling checker. It also offers context for flagged errors and suggests fundamental rewrites and corrections.

Grammarly reviews your writing based on its intended audience and tone. It will even alert you when it detects jargon or industry-specific vocabulary that may confuse your readers.

This feature can be useful for professional writers who need to communicate with a diverse audience. It will also suggest synonyms to help your writing sound more natural. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary without spending hours reading the dictionary. Also, it provides explanations for each issue it highlights so you can understand the reasoning behind its suggestions. This is a big plus over other competitors.