Grammarly is a very popular software that helps people with their writing. It can be used with a variety of programs, including Microsoft Word.
The words ‘these’ and ‘those’ are both pronouns, but they have different meanings. Kids need to be taught the right way of using these and those pronouns.
1. Objects Nearby
Usually, the things that are close by are called nearby objects. However, this and those can also refer to items that are at a distance. The difference is that those are plural in nature while this is singular.
The words this and those are demonstrative pronouns that are used to represent something that is already known to the listener or reader. That something is called an antecedent.
A quirk of these and those is that sometimes the antecedent comes after the demonstrative pronoun, rather than before it. This can make it more difficult to determine which of the two words to use.
Often, students struggle with the correct usage of words like this and those. It is important for students to understand these differences and know how to differentiate between the two. This article will give them the insight that they need to get a clear idea of these and those. This will help them to write and speak properly.
2. Objects Far Away
The words ‘these’ and ‘those’ can be used to refer to plural objects that are either nearby or far away. But they shouldn’t be confused with each other because they have different meanings.
Often times, the things that these and those are referring to have already been mentioned or can be easily understood by the audience from context. This is called an antecedent, and it’s important for students to understand this concept before they learn about the differences between these and those.
For example, if a speaker wants to point towards his shoes that belong to him, he will say ‘These are mine.’ On the other hand, if he’s referring to the stars in the sky that are far away, he will use the word ‘those’. In this case, he’s pointing towards the stars that are visible to him from a distance. They are far from him, hence the use of ‘those.’ These and those are both demonstrative pronouns and can also act as adjectives.
3. Objects Intangible
Intangible objects are those that cannot be seen or held, but can be experienced. Some examples of intangible objects are character traits, ideas and emotions. Intangible objects are used to help us better understand the world around us and how it functions.
In addition to checking for these common mistakes, Grammarly also helps you keep your writing shorter. By highlighting redundancies, Grammarly will suggest ways to cut words out of your sentence and make your text more concise.
This is especially helpful when you’re trying to stick to a word count for an article or essay. Keeping your writing concise can save you time, and it will also improve readability.
For example, the word “pickles” gets put into reassuring see-through glass jars, cookies get packaged in cellophane windows, and proposals to NASA are presented in binders that match the craftsmanship of Tyrolean leatherworkers. These are tangible surrogates of what the company is selling, and they communicate its promise to the customer.
4. Objects In General
When used as demonstrative adjectives, the words this, that, these and those indicate something that is known or evident to an audience. However, they can sometimes have a peculiar quirk: the thing they represent doesn’t necessarily come before them; it can also happen that the antecedent comes after the pronoun.
In this context, ‘these’ indicates a singular noun that is close to the speaker in time or space, for example ‘these shoes are mine.’, whereas ‘those’ indicates a plural noun at a distance from the speaker, such as ‘those stars are in the sky.’
For this reason, it’s important for students to understand the difference between these and those. Once they do, they’ll be able to use these and those correctly in their writing. As a result, they’ll be less likely to make grammar mistakes that could hurt their grades. Besides, these and those can help them sound more professional and polished. This is a key skill they should learn to develop early on in their education.