Despite their slight difference, toward and towards are both acceptable spellings for the preposition in English. However, it is important to note that they are used differently in different regions.
Towards is preferred in British English, while toward is the standard spelling in North America. Moreover, formal writing and professional style guides advise writers to use toward when referring to North American audiences.
Some words have multiple acceptable spellings. For example, we can spell toward or towards, and either one is correct. It’s just a matter of preference. Other words that have multiple spellings include some verbs (e.g., spell vs. spelled) and some nouns (e.g., color, favor).
Toward and towards both mean in the direction of. They’re both prepositions and work the same way as other prepositions. It’s just that toward has an extra s, while towards doesn’t.
Neither toward nor towards is wrong, but it’s important to consider your audience when deciding which spelling to use. For example, you may want to use toward if you’re writing for a North American audience or a publication that follows AP style. But if you’re writing for an audience in the United Kingdom or Australia, it would be better to use towards. This will ensure that your readers understand you regardless of their English-speaking origin.
Sometimes, the smallest of details can have the greatest impact on writing. This is especially true for the English language, where even seemingly trivial differences in spelling and usage can cause serious confusion. One such example is the choice between toward and towards. While both words are technically correct, there is a preferred preference for each depending on the intended audience.
For American readers, it is generally advisable to use toward (without the s) whenever possible, particularly in more formal writing. This is the preference reflected in both the AP Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style.
However, toward (without the s) is not the default spelling in British or Australian English. Fowler’s estimates that British writers use towards at a ratio of around 9:1. In the end, it is generally a matter of preference and consistency. Use the word that sounds most natural to you. Then stick with it throughout your writing.
Many people make grammatical mistakes in their writing. While these mistakes may not seem important to the average reader, they can have serious implications for writers and editors. One of the most common errors is mixing up toward and towards. Although these words mean the same thing, it is easy to confuse them due to their similar pronunciation and meaning.
While some argue that a preference for toward in American English is necessary, others disagree. In reality, the choice of which word to use is largely based on personal preference and regional dialect.
Ultimately, there is no correct or incorrect answer to this question. Both toward and towards are acceptable spellings for the preposition that means in the direction of. However, it is a good idea to choose a spelling and stick with it throughout your work. This will ensure consistency and prevent confusion. Additionally, if you are writing for a specific audience or publication, it is best to follow their style guide.
If you want to avoid grammar mistakes and write better, try some of these Grammarly alternatives. Ginger Software is free for basic grammar checking, while its premium version has more features and works seamlessly with Microsoft Word. It also detects vocabulary errors and offers a more personalized correction system. Another alternative is Sapling, which specializes in business writing and is optimized for customer service chats. Its pricing is a bit higher than Ginger’s, but it may be worth it if you prioritize accuracy over speed.
Toward and towards are both acceptable spellings, although toward tends to be more common in North America. Whether you use one or the other should depend on your audience’s preferences and the style guide used by the publication you are working for. For example, The AP Stylebook suggests using toward because it’s more commonly used in American English. The Chicago Manual of Style also favors toward since it is more prevalent in American writing.