Grammarly Toward Vs Towards

Toward and towards are prepositions that mean “in the direction of.”

Both toward and towards have several meanings but always function as part of a prepositional phrase that includes an object.

The words are used interchangeably, but there are some standards that must be followed. This is especially true for formal writing.

American English

Grammarly Toward Vs Towards is one of the most common word duos that end with “-s”. Like other directional words, it’s used as part of a prepositional phrase.

The use of towards is slightly different in American English than in British English, depending on the context and where it’s used. The Chicago Manual of Style recommends using toward, while the AP Stylebook and APA style guides suggest towardss.

Both are acceptable, but the usage depends on the author’s preferred style. It’s important to familiarize yourself with your audience and know what style guide they follow.

It’s also a good idea to understand the regional differences. For instance, Americans use towards a lot more often than Britishers, and vice versa.

British English

British English has its own distinctive set of spelling conventions. Some of these include words that end in the letters “or” being spelled with “our” rather than “ze”.

While some of these differences aren’t too noticeable, they do have an impact on your writing. That’s why Grammarly offers settings for four different types of English: American, Canadian, Australian and British.

This allows you to switch between the four dialects as needed, and ensure that your writing tools are recognizing these differences accurately!

In addition to a variety of spelling and punctuation rules, British English also has its own unique grammatical conventions. This includes the placement of punctuation in dialogue.

Canadian English

Canadian English is closely related to American English, but many non-American words are distinctively shared with Britain instead. This is known as “Canadianism.”

The most significant differences between American and Canadian English are in spelling, punctuation, and style. Canadians often use British spellings, such as -re for centre and colour; however, they also use American spellings in some cases, like customized.

Another difference is in pronunciation. Canadians raise the vowels of some mouth words, such as type, tie, ride, write, spike and spy, while American speakers often pronounce them with the unraised diphthong /t/ sound.

Another distinguishing characteristic is the -ile suffix, which is pronounced as an unraised /i/ in some Canadian words, such as fertile, futile, hostile, missile and mobile. The past tense of shine is shone in Canada, whereas it’s gone in the US.

Australian English

Grammarly Toward Vs Towards

Australian English has a distinct pronunciation and vocabulary, which reflects its long European settlement and a short time of recognition as a national variety. However, it has gained greater independence in recent years and has developed its own set of standards for usage.

It is a non-rhotic variety, meaning that the /r/ sound does not appear at the end of a syllable or immediately before a consonant. It also has a tendency to link the /r/ with the following vowel in words that do not begin with it.

For example, the endings of words such as card and better are pronounced without a /r/, while the ending of words such as wetter is lowered to sound similar to ‘ah’.

Vowel length is a distinctive feature of Australian English, as it has both short and long vowels. This is akin to RP and has been observed in some regional south-eastern dialects of British and US English.