Gboard and Grammarly are two of the most popular keyboard apps on Android. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
Grammarly is a grammar checker that also offers suggestions for style improvements and vocabulary enhancements. It works with most Android smartphones and tablets.
The app is free to download, but requires a subscription to use its features. It is also available on iOS devices running iOS 11.2 or higher.
Grammarly is a tool that offers the power of correction to your typing. It can help you find spelling mistakes and grammar errors while composing emails, documents, and text messages.
The app also detects tone and vocabulary issues, suggesting rewording options to improve clarity and readability. It can also check for plagiarism and identify homonyms.
For the time being, the only language that Grammarly recognizes is English. However, it can recognize American English, British English, and Australian English.
Unlike Gboard, the Grammarly keyboard doesn’t have an advanced clipboard manager. The app only stores copied text for 60 minutes or less. However, you can pin texts if you want to keep them for longer periods of time. Also, the keyboard doesn’t support swipe typing in its latest update.
Grammarly offers a few unique features. For example, it can detect the tone of your writing and recommend changes based on the context. It also offers a number of customizable keyboard colors and themes. The app also supports a full range of emoticons.
It also provides suggestions for improving your writing style and vocabulary. In addition, it has a sidebar that shows your score and how your document could be improved. It can be a bit confusing to navigate, though.
It also comes with a variety of keyboard layouts, including QWERTY, AZERTY, Colemak, and Dvorak. This makes it easy to use the app on any device. The app also supports over 500 languages. It is a great option for freelance writers who want to improve their writing skills.
Grammarly is a great option for students who need help with their spelling and grammatical errors. It can also improve their vocabulary and writing style. It can even help them learn about proper online etiquette.
However, there are some things to keep in mind when using Grammarly. One is that it requires an internet connection to work properly. Another is that it is only available in English.
The app can be used to correct spelling mistakes, commas, and capitalizations. It can also suggest synonyms for words and help you determine the tone of your writing. You can adjust the settings for how Grammarly offers suggestions by tapping on Settings. The app also allows you to add your own emojis and create custom keyboard shortcuts.
Language support
Grammarly offers a mobile app that works as a keyboard and an extension within writing boxes on apps like Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs, and more. It helps correct grammatical errors, such as misspellings, punctuation mistakes, wordiness, misused words, improper tenses, and vagueness.
The Grammarly keyboard app supports English (American, British, and Australian) and will help you communicate correctly without grammatical errors. The keyboard app is a good choice for people who frequently use English for work or study. Unlike other keyboard apps, Grammarly doesn’t track your typing or access sensitive information in text boxes such as passwords and credit card details. It also provides a tone detection feature. This can be useful if you’re using the keyboard to write an email or text message that needs to convey a specific tone.
Grammarly offers a mobile app and Chrome extension that check spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. It also detects tone and vocabulary and suggests corrections. It can be used with emails, Facebook posts, and documents. It is compatible with most Android smartphones and iOS devices.
Its free version covers basic spelling and grammar errors, but if you want to use more advanced features like suggestions on vocabulary and tone, you will need to subscribe to its premium service. Prices start at $12 per month.
Grammarly has a better user interface than Ginger and is more intuitive to navigate. It also works well with other apps and browsers. It even has plugins for Microsoft Word and Outlook. Its only drawback is its limited availability. However, it is a solid option for professional writers.