Grammarly is an online spelling and grammar checker that can identify errors in your writing. Its premium version also identifies vocabulary mistakes and offers suggestions for corrections.
It flags potential errors with red underlines and displays brief explanations and suggested corrections when you hover over them. The software is easy to use and can be installed as a plug-in on major browsers or Word.
While Grammarly and LanguageTool are two of the most popular grammar checkers on the market, neither is cheap. Both offer a premium version that includes additional features like style, readability, and vocabulary checking. However, these extra features cost more than the basic spelling and grammar corrections offered by Microsoft Word or Ginger.
The best way to save money is by using Grammarly’s browser extension, which works with all major web browsers. This makes it easier to check for grammar and spelling mistakes in real time, as well as provides suggestions for improvement.
It is also possible to use Grammarly’s free online grammar checker for Microsoft Word, though this feature is less comprehensive than the full version. It will not catch every error, and it can’t rework lengthy sentences or spot plagiarism. However, it can still be helpful for many writers. It is worth noting, however, that Microsoft’s own grammar checker will eventually be integrated into Word, so the need for a standalone tool may disappear in the future.
Grammarly is an advanced writing tool that offers multiple features. It can identify errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as offer suggestions for vocabulary enhancement. It also offers an at-a-glance overview of the errors it has identified, which makes it easier to edit your work. It can even help you improve your pronunciation, which is an important aspect of the English language.
It also helps you improve your sentence structure and clarity by identifying common mistakes such as comma splices, run-on sentences, and passive voice. It can also rewrite sentences to make them more concise and accurate, and it can provide context-specific suggestions to help you write better.
In addition to grammar and spelling, Grammarly also analyzes your writing for tone, engagement, and delivery. It also detects plagiarism, which is a big advantage over other grammar checking tools. It is available as an add-in for Microsoft Word, and it also works with other web browsers.
Grammarly goes well beyond what Word’s basic spell check offers. It corrects mistakes related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and writing style. You can use it online or install a browser extension in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox to check your writing anywhere. The program can also identify plagiarism and provide suggestions for avoiding it.
It also catches complex grammar errors like subject-verb disagreement and sentence fragments. It can help you streamline wordy phrases and rewrite sentences to improve readability. It can even catch comma splices and recommend word choice improvements to keep your readers engaged.
However, there are some drawbacks to Grammarly, including its tendency to misinterpret words and make confusing suggestions. Despite this, it is still the best option for proofreading your work and improving your writing skills. It can also help you avoid embarrassing mistakes and learn tidbits of English grammar you may have overlooked in the past. It is worth a try, especially if you’re using Word for professional purposes.
Grammarly also offers a more thorough check for tone and style than Microsoft Word does. For example, it will correct passive voice and identify cliches in your writing. It will also suggest synonyms and rewrite long sentences to improve clarity and readability. It will even catch errors that other grammar-checking apps miss.
Microsoft Word’s spell and grammar checking is basic, but it does include a document assessment tool that provides insights on your document. It will tell you how many commas are required and which words can cause confusion.
Microsoft Editor is a new competitor to Grammarly and is being integrated into Word. It is free to use, but it does not yet have the features of Grammarly. These include tone analysis (to determine whether your writing is casual, professional, or serious), checks for clarity and conciseness, and the ability to set language preferences for your document. It will also compare your writing to other documents and online sources to identify potential plagiarism.