The spelling of judgement or judgment is an often-confusing issue. While both words are correct, the difference lies in the dialect in which they are used.
The longer spelling is a no-go in legal proceedings and documents, and it runs afoul of many U.S. style guides. The shorter spelling is the safest option, and it can be used in most contexts.
The Definition
The word judgment refers to the act of judging something. It can also be used to describe a judicial decision or a legal penalty. In general, however, the word is most often used in a legal context.
In the United States, judgment without an “e” is the preferred spelling. This is because Noah Webster, who drafted the first American English dictionary, tried to simplify spellings so that they would be easier to read. He was credited with creating many shortenings of British words, including abridgment and acknowledgment.
While both spellings are acceptable in some contexts, adding the extra “e” is a no-no in any legal proceedings or documents and also runs afoul of some style guides. As such, it is best to stick with the spelling preferred in the dialect of your audience. For example, if you are writing in England, use judgement with an “e,” even though this is considered old-fashioned by some. Otherwise, opt for judgment without an “e” to remain more modern.
The Usage
Judgment and judgment are both correct spellings of the noun for forming an opinion or assessment. Which one you use depends on where you live and what style guide you are following. In legal contexts, the spelling judgement is preferred and recommended by many style guides, including Oxford style.
However, the shorter spelling judgment has gained popularity in American English and is now more commonly used in legal documents and proceedings. Some writers believe that Noah Webster is credited with popularizing the shorter spelling by simplifying words from British English to American English that began with a vowel and ended with an e, such as colour/colour and flavour/flavour.
Using Grammarly is an effective way to ensure that your writing is clear and concise. Its premium version is relatively inexpensive and offers a free trial, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills. However, it is important to remember that no amount of spelling checkers can replace a thorough review of your own work.
The Spelling
When deciding whether to use judgment or judgement, it is important to consider your audience and the context. While both spellings are correct, the former is preferred in legal contexts and other formal documents.
However, the latter is more common in informal contexts and may be appropriate in some circumstances. For example, a judge may make a judgment on a case, but a teacher can also make a judgement on student grades.
Ultimately, it is up to the writer to decide which spelling to use, and it is recommended that they follow the preferred spelling of their dialect. This will help to avoid confusion and ensure that the meaning is clear.
In addition, if you are unsure about the spelling of a word, it is recommended that you consult a dictionary or style guide for guidance. For example, some academic journals may require the use of certain spellings for clarity and consistency. Fortunately, most of these resources will provide examples of both judgement and judgment to give you a better idea of what to use in your own writing.
The Context
The word judgement can be used in both British English and American English. There is no difference in meaning between the two words, but it’s important to consider the context of your content and who you will be writing for when deciding which version to use.
For example, if you are writing for a predominately American audience, it’s best to stick with the spelling judgment. This will help you avoid any confusion and ensure that your audience understands the correct pronunciation of the word.
As with other differences between American and British English, it is important to remember that the only real difference between the two spellings is the dialect in which they are used. When in doubt, always follow the preferred spelling of the dialect you are writing for. This will help you avoid confusion and ensure that your audience understands the right meaning of the word.