Grammarly is a popular grammar checker that automatically checks grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and plagiarism. It also rewrites sentences to make them stronger and clearer.
Grammarly offers more advanced features than LanguageTool does, which can be a big draw for freelance writers and content marketers. Its plagiarism checker is especially useful.
Grammarly and LanguageTool are both writing assistants that use AI technology to help you write clear and precise texts. They also detect spelling and grammar mistakes, style, tone, and plagiarism.
Grammarly is available on various platforms and browsers, including Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Its extensions also work with Google Docs and Microsoft Word.
Another great feature is the readability analysis that gives you a score from 1 to 100 based on vocabulary, sentence length, and word count. This can be a big help when you’re working on video projects and want to know if your content is easy to read.
Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is also a great feature, which lets you see if your text is plagiarized from other sources. It also helps you find missing citations for academic works and essays.
Grammarly is an all-in-one writing assistant that helps writers detect grammar mistakes, spelling errors, plagiarism, and tone. It has a free version and a premium subscription that offers more advanced features.
While Grammarly has some unique features, it also suffers from a few issues. First, it doesn’t support some languages like Spanish, French, or Japanese.
Second, it doesn’t provide feedback that is accurate for different kinds of writers. In some cases, Grammarly’s feedback overwhelms writers with rules they aren’t familiar with or don’t implement correctly.
These issues can make Grammarly hard to use for multilingual writers, especially if they aren’t native English speakers. That’s where LanguageTool comes in handy, since it supports over 20 languages and works with your favorite word processor or web browser.
Grammarly can be a valuable tool for writing students, but it doesn’t always do a great job at catching the most common errors. This is especially true for students who are learning a new language or working on writing in a language that isn’t their native tongue.
It’s also important to note that Grammarly can be overloaded with corrections, which can overwhelm students and derail their efforts to develop their language skills. This can exacerbate students’ apprehension towards L2 writing and increase their stress levels.
Thankfully, there are plenty of recommendations available from Reddit that can help you find a better alternative to Grammarly. Some of these suggestions include Sentence Checkup, which is a free online tool that will highlight all possible grammar errors in your sentence.
This web tool uses color-coded suggestions to improve your writing style and grammar. It will also catch mistakes such as adverbs, passive voice, and cliches. The only downside is that the tool only works online, so you’ll need an internet connection to use it.
If you’re a freelance writer, blogger, or journalism student, Grammarly is a great choice. It offers a free plan for essential use and a premium solution for extra features.
But, Grammarly has its flaws too. If you’re writing a thesis, it won’t be the best tool for you.
A native English speaker can help you edit your grammar better than an algorithm. Try posting a sentence or paragraph on a grammar forum like Reddit and getting feedback from someone who’s actually familiar with your writing style.
LanguageTool also has a few key features that are missing in Grammarly, including support for non-English languages and dialects. It also has a wider range of corrections and an easier-to-use interface.