Microsoft Editor Vs Grammarly

Microsoft Editor Vs Grammarly

If you want to improve your writing, a grammar checker is an essential tool. These tools can catch spelling errors, correct stylistic and sentence structure issues, and more.

Microsoft Editor and Grammarly are both popular tools that offer a variety of features. However, which one you choose depends on your needs and budget.


Microsoft Editor is a proofreading service that works across Word, Outlook and the web. It also offers an extension for Chrome and Microsoft Edge that can help you correct mistakes as you write.

Grammarly is a free online writing assistant that can help you catch grammatical and spelling errors. It also has a paid version that includes more advanced features.

It helps users correct grammatical and spelling errors, as well as spotting incorrect sentence structure and punctuation. Its tools can also help improve the style and tone of your writing, among other things.

Its AI based models offer contextually relevant suggestions that are geared toward your goals as a writer. This makes it easier to decide what issues to ignore and what to fix. You can also adjust a number of settings to tailor Grammarly’s feedback to your specific needs and goals.


Grammarly is a writing checker that works on the web, in MS Word and Outlook, and as an add-on for Chrome and Edge. It’s available on Windows 10 and macOS.

Grammarly has been around for years and focuses on helping writers of all levels improve their writing skills. It also provides suggestions for tone and clarity, which can help a writer better connect with their audience.

Microsoft Editor is a writing tool that comes included with Microsoft 365 subscriptions, along with other Office suite products like Word, Excel, and OneNote. It also offers basic grammar and spelling corrections, as well as style tips for reworking lengthy sentences.

Both programs work by using deep learning technologies and linguistics knowledge to provide helpful feedback to writers. However, Grammarly has a much more comprehensive feature set than Microsoft Editor, and it’s also much more powerful. If you’re a serious writer, it might be worth paying the extra to get Grammarly’s premium features.


Grammarly and Microsoft Editor are two of the world’s most popular writing apps. They’re available on a range of platforms including desktops, mobile devices, and browser extensions.

Grammarly is a powerful tool that helps students, professionals, and casual writers improve their writing. It’s based on AI-powered algorithms that study millions of pages from research databases to learn how to catch mistakes.

It also offers a range of features that help you write with a clear purpose, style, and tone. It recommends words that fit your intended domain, emotion, and audience.

The Grammarly Premium version also helps you create a style guide for your business or organization to improve the way you write. The software also highlights issues in purple or grey when you use the style enhancement feature.

Both tools are useful for correcting spelling and grammar errors, but Grammarly’s advanced systems give it an edge in terms of style tips and corrections. It’s worth trying out both tools before you make a decision, but if you’re serious about your writing, Grammarly is the better option.


Grammarly has been around for a decade, and is still the go-to tool for many professional writers. It offers a free version for the basics and a premium subscription that comes with additional features, including tone detection, conciseness checks, and plagiarism detection.

It is also the best choice for those who need to check for plagiarism in Word documents. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Microsoft Editor is an add-on to Word that is now part of the company’s rebranded Office 365 plan. It costs $9.99 a month and includes access to the suite of Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams) and Microsoft Editor.

While it doesn’t catch as many mistakes as Grammarly, it does a better job of spelling and grammar checking than the free Google Docs editor. It also has a lot of advanced style and delivery suggestions.