Pro Writing Aid Vs Grammarly

Pro Writing Aid Vs Grammarly

Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid are two of the best grammar checkers on the market. They both offer a ton of editing features and are highly extensible.

Grammarly’s web editor is clean and straightforward with color markers for each error. The program also offers a desktop and extension editor.


Grammarly is a writing enhancement tool that offers numerous writing styles, and suggestions for grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. It works as a web editor, browser extension, and desktop app.

It also includes indirect cloud storage and a plagiarism checker for premium users. Its browser extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on both PC and Mac.

Another important feature is its personal dictionary. This makes it easier for editors to weed out unnecessary mistakes. If it flags a proper noun or unique word as misspellings, you can add them to your dictionary so that they do not highlight when you run the checker again.

Besides its style editor, grammar checker, vocabulary enhancement tool, passive voice detection, and plagiarism checks, Pro Writing Aid also offers support via email. If the articles in its FAQs section cannot resolve your concern, you can send an email and get a response within 48 hours.


Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid offer a variety of plans that vary in price. It is important to understand how each plan works and what features it offers before choosing a tool.

The Pro Writing Aid Premium plan costs $79 a year. It provides basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks. It has no limits on reports and editable words, and it’s accessible offline.

This plan also includes 60 plagiarism checks per year. It’s a few dollars more expensive than the Grammarly Premium plan.

In addition, the Pro Writing Aid premium plan allows users to integrate it with many different applications and web browsers, including Google Docs, Chrome, and Scrivener.

For business use, Pro Writing Aid has a team pricing option that supports up to 150 members. This plan also provides a customized style guide and helps integrate with other tools such as help desk software and sales engagement apps.


Choosing the right writing assistance tool is an important decision for all writers. You want to make sure that the writing aid you select is accurate and easy to use.

Grammarly is a popular grammar checker that helps you improve your writing by catching grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and misused punctuation. It also offers vocabulary enhancement suggestions and a readability analysis.

However, it’s not quite as good at detecting plagiarism as Pro Writing Aid is. In addition, it lacks many of the features that are available in Pro Writing Aid.

It’s not a bad option for those who are looking for a free proofreading and editing tool, but it’s not ideal for serious writers.

The accuracy of the grammar and style checker depends on your writing style. For example, if you’re a fiction writer, Grammarly will be better at detecting dialogue and fragmented sentences.


If you’re looking for a writing assistant, either Pro Writing Aid or Grammarly can be a great option. However, you’ll need to decide which one suits your specific needs best.

Both tools offer support to help you resolve technical issues and get the most out of them. For example, if you’re using Grammarly’s Chrome plugin but can’t access the editing checks it offers, you can contact its support team and ask for assistance.

Moreover, both tools have extensive databases and a detailed breakdown of overall scores to show you exactly how your mistakes are affecting your writing. They also give recommendations with context, so you can actually improve your writing.