Prowriting Vs Grammarly

Prowriting Vs Grammarly

Grammarly and ProwritingAid are both powerful grammar checkers that can help you improve your writing skills. However, they differ slightly in how they perform their work.

They both offer large databases to accurately score your content. They then break down your overall score into key areas to show you how and where you need to improve your writing.


Grammarly is an excellent writing tool that helps writers improve their vocabulary, clarity, and correctness. It offers a variety of features that are free for the most part, but you can get more advanced capabilities by upgrading to a premium plan.

Students of all ages and educational levels often struggle to write with proper diction, punctuation, and grammar. These mistakes can negatively affect their ability to organize ideas, cite sources, and build a case.

Rather than just telling you when something is wrong, Grammarly goes a step further by explaining these errors to help you learn how to fix them on your own. This way, you’ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

The grammar checker also helps you identify plagiarism in your work, pointing out similar text that exists elsewhere. It suggests citations, alternatives to the original wording, and other stylistic modifications that can help you create more authoritative content.

The free version of Grammarly is sufficient for most people, but upgrading to a premium plan is well worth the money. This includes a range of additional features and is a must-have for anyone who writes a lot of text online.


ProwritingAid is a grammar checker that offers a variety of features for both long-form and short-form writers. It also offers a wide range of integrations for web browsers, MS Word, and other applications.

The main advantage of ProwritingAid is that it can scan up to 100,000 words. This makes it a great choice for editing books and dissertations. It also offers more features and has a wider range of integrations than Grammarly.

Another important feature of ProwritingAid is its customer support. It offers 24x7x365 customer support through email and ticket system. It also has a knowledge base for answering your queries quickly.

In comparison, Grammarly has an excellent support team that helps you with all your writing issues. You can contact them via email, phone, and even through a live chat.

It is easy to use and offers over 20 different reports for potential improvements. It also makes it easier for users to correct grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Like Grammarly, ProwritingAid offers a Chrome extension that works with many web browser forms, including email, Facebook, WordPress, and Google Docs. It also has a plugin for Microsoft Word and Outlook.


Grammarly is a great tool that helps you correct grammatical errors and misused punctuation. It also offers suggestions on vocabulary options and sentence delivery. It’s very easy to use and works with all platforms. It’s a great choice for any writer. It is available for free and has an excellent support team.

Grammarly’s interface is clean and organized. It makes it easy to find the errors you are looking for and rectify them. Its suggestions line up on the right side of the page as soon as you copy and paste your content. The grammatical mistakes, sentence clarity suggestions, and vocabulary options are all neatly categorized.

Both Prowriting Aid and Grammarly are powerful editors that score your work in areas like spelling, syntax, style, and more. They offer large databases that breakdown overall scores into key areas and provide recommendations with context to help you actually improve your writing. They both have a free version and bulk and academic pricing. They both offer integrations with major apps like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and WordPress editor.