Whitesmoke Vs Grammarly Reddit

Whitesmoke Vs Grammarly Reddit

Grammarly is a great tool for writers to correct their writing. It helps to catch grammatical mistakes and also detects plagiarism issues on your content.

While it has a free online version, it comes with a premium package that offers more features. If you are looking for a free grammar checker, you can use Wordtune for that purpose.


There are a number of writing software tools available to help improve your grammar, word choice, and style. But deciding which one is best for your needs can be tricky.

Whitesmoke is an English grammar checker that supports multiple languages and offers more style-specific suggestions than Grammarly. It also has a natural language processing feature, which adapts to your brain’s writing approach.

The grammar checker works by comparing your sentences to a large database of mistakes, words, and sentences. An algorithm then cross-checks this and uses an AI to correct the punctuation and writing pattern for high accuracy.

It also includes a plagiarism checker to ensure you’re not copying other people’s work without giving them credit. It’s a great way to avoid plagiarism and protect your intellectual property.


Grammarly and Whitesmoke are two of the most popular writing tools available. They help writers correct their grammatical and spelling errors, as well as highlight style issues.

The pricing of each tool is different, and it depends on your preferences and budget. You can try out a free trial or buy a monthly plan.

For example, Grammarly offers a free extension that is compatible with Google Docs and other text editing programs. It also has a premium version with more features.

Moreover, it’s a mobile app that lets you check your writing on the go. You can use it on your tablet or phone while you’re on the train, bus or at home.

It also offers a premium version that features an offline extension. This makes it an excellent choice for people who need to write for work or school.


Grammarly is one of the most popular grammar checkers in the world. It is a great tool for bloggers, writers, and students. It helps in improving the quality of writing and detects plagiarism issues.

It also checks writing style, tone, readability, and grammatical errors. It is an all-in-one writing solution.

The software is easy to use, offers a free trial and works flawlessly on all platforms. It also offers a personal writing coach to help polish your writing skills.

Grammarly processes your writing through a sophisticated AI algorithm to make context-specific suggestions. This can improve correctness, readability, and tone, but you must manually approve each suggestion.


One of the things that make Grammarly unique among writing tools is its clever and slick user interface. The interface is simple to use and works across multiple platforms, from desktops to mobile phones. The software also has some nifty tricks up its sleeve, like the ability to sync your writing from Grammarly with other applications, like Microsoft Word. It also has a built-in plagiarism checker, as well as some cool templates for things like CVs and emails.

While Grammarly has been around for a while, its latest iteration, which is available at a price ranging from free to $99 per month, boasts some of the most impressive features. Its most notable feature is a feature called “good writing”, which uses deep learning and computational linguists to identify the best way to say what you’re trying to say in your text. It then makes the requisite suggestions to improve your writing. While the product isn’t perfect, it does a decent job of making you a better writer in the long run.