You And Me Vs Grammarly

You And Me Vs You And I Grammarly

You And I

Grammarly is a popular writing tool that helps correct grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and style. It can also help you create compelling, clear, and concise texts. However, it is not without its own set of issues.

The program can be used as an extension in browsers, as a mobile app, or through a web editor that integrates with word processors like MS Word. Regardless of the method, it all comes down to a bargain: users must give Grammarly access to their writing and trust that they will not abuse the data that is collected.

The company claims that it does not “steal” user content, and the product is blocked from seeing any text entered into sensitive fields such as credit card forms, password fields, and URL fields. However, it also explicitly states that it can retain and share “User Content” if it is necessary for support interactions or required by law. That’s a lot of leeway to be taking with private information.

Here Or Hear

There’s an old debate over whether you should say “hear hear” or “here here.” The answer is that it depends on what the context is. You’ll likely hear this expression on the floor of the British Parliament, where lawmakers shout “hear here” at each other during passionate discussions.

The problem is that these words have very different meanings. While they sound similar, ‘hear’ means to perceive sounds with the ears and ‘here’ is an adverb that refers to a location.

Using these two words interchangeably can create confusion for your readers. To avoid this, make sure you stick to the correct spelling of ‘hear’ and use it only in situations where it makes sense. If you’re not certain, consult a dictionary or ask a colleague for advice. They’ll be able to give you the full story behind this debate. And don’t forget to use our free grammar checker to ensure you always have the right spelling.


A widely discussed sociolinguistic phenomenon, hypercorrection describes when people incorrectly believe that an exception to a rule is actually the rule itself. This is most often seen in pronunciation, where an idiosyncratic sound, such as the in dig, is mistaken for the regular . This is often accompanied by an over-regularization of words where the idiosyncratic pronunciation is not common, as in the example of Winston Churchill’s mocking “This is the sort of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.”

Examples of hypercorrection are also found in spelling, such as the tendency to add a tilde to Latin and Greek-sounding words (as in habanero), or to spell possessive plurals without an apostrophe (as in virus). In this case, the error is caused by the misapplication of a rule of phonetics from one’s native language to another foreign language.

Some scholars have even suggested that the hypercorrection of certain forms is a contributor to grammatical change, with William Labov discussing this in his 1966 paper, “Hypercorrection by the Lower Middle Class as a Factor in Linguistic Change”. (Trippel)